Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Preperation session #1

at our first prep session we spent most of the time coordinating and asaigning jobs. after that was all sorted out we split up into our groups and started working. me and gillian were working on the robotix section. I built an arm that had moters in several places I was unfortunently unable to test it because I ran out of time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Launching From the Moon

Gemma, Le'Jayah, and I did the launching from the moon lab. At first we found it difficult to move the sticks and roll, but then we measured how many tiles the thing moved. It had moved 4 tiles with one balloon on and there were 16 tiles, so we needed to use 3 balloons. We tried it and it worked. After that we tried to move the ball and wheels with three balloons but one popped and we had to get more. Unfortunately that didn't work either. I wonder if It would have worked if we would have used four or five balloons or what wold have happened if we would have only used the wheels. One of us was recording the $ amount and the other two were building and blowing up balloons. This system worked very well. I think we spent about $300,000.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thrust structures

Here is my thrust structure

Friday, October 19, 2007

Maya and rhys's robot

we did robotix. One worked on the robot and the other worked on the arm. it worked really well.

this is a video of our robot. It was kind ouf confuseing the way the parts were structured. I would have liked to have more time to see what else we could build with the parts.

Maya's gography score for level 5

Monday, October 8, 2007

Lego Robotics

Today we did Lego robotics and had to program a robot to push two rocks to push them into a circle. We ended up only having time to make it push one into a circle and the other off to the side. Its seemed like kind of a two person task, but we still tried to included everything. One of the wheels on he robot kept popping out until we figured how to keep in in place. I wonder how much more time we would have needed to finish the program.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Map Score

Maya and Gillian's Awesome Map score
ignore first line

Motion Detector Lab

My reflecion on the motion detector lab. You could take data points from the graphs made and apply them to the equasions we laened to find the variable that is not represented. To have zero acceleration and positive velocity because if you arrent going any faster but are still moving, you arrent going faster but you are still moving, giving you a positive velocity. The position and the velocity can be the same if you move away from the motion detector and aget faster at the same rate. Some of the graphs were bouncy because they we weren't moving at a consistent speed or acceleration. if the velocity is negative it means that you are moving towards the detector and if it is positive you are moving away.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Sports On the Moon

If you were playing catch with a softball on the moon it would be different. The acceleration due to gravity is 1.6 m/s squared, which is lower than the earths acceleration due to gravity which is 9.8 m/s squared. The ball would fall more slowly because of the lack of gravity although it would go the same speed, making it go a lot farther.. You would also need to use less force to lift the ball because Acceleration due to gravity is directly related to the force/weight.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Recovery Sysems

When we did the recovery systems lab we started by talking a little about what we waned to do. Then we cut off a square of trash bag and made some renforced holes in the corners and sides and then tied on the sand bag. after a few tests and changes we found a combination that would make the parachute glide down to the ground. The parachute was circular and it went in at the edges giving it an appearance similar to a jellyfish. after we got it to work on the hairdryer we then droped it from the top of the stairs. I wonder if it would have been even better if it was bigger? or if we had started from a circle insted of a square?

Monday, October 1, 2007

Remote Repairs

This was a difficult activity to do with 3 people because it was difficult to communicate on chat 3 ways without getting confused about what we were talking about. I didn't get to participate extensivly in this activity but I was ale to atch my partners chat back and forth. The part that took the longest was actually trying to all login and start a group chat. Then we all described what our assembled peices looked like. We then decided who would go first and went fom there. one thing I would like to do next time is open multiple tabs on chat to talk to every body without being confused. We were all new to the program so I think we did well.